Saturday, January 20, 2024

( from The Seventh Victim [1943] / lanny quarles )

Search is Good Again.

"I wouldn't go anywhere near Jupiter even if you offered me a safe trip, a safe visit, a safe return, £2 million and coffee with Clarice Lispector in Torquay in 1950." --@mjohnharrison

Music for Crawling Through Abandoned Cities. (via Mefi)

problems to be solved in their time
even the philosopher
finds exigent

too restless to sit
& far too weary to rise

"Is there anyone who posts like me but about a language that’s not Old English?

( via / via )

It might be the first free jazz recording (totally unissued) of History of Music.

will we find at last that all
our starry Eden-worlds
were only travesties of what
here we lost--

or will we ever even know?

Crossing over.

"it’s so soothing finding another chat gpt student essay. the calm that sweeps over me as i drink deep of the smoothly grammatical sentences containing no key term definition or evidence, in a voice unlike any 19 year-old ever, style and detail-less, an analgesic for the brain" --@dee_of_e

Portuiguese hauntology.

( via / via )


"And as the World upon her victims feeds
So She herself goes down the Way she leads.
For all her false allurements are the Threads
The Spider from her Entrail spins, and spreads
For Home and hunting-ground: And by and by
Darts at due Signal on the tangled Fly,
Seizes, dis-wings, and drains the Life, and leaves
The swinging Carcase, and forthwith re-weaves
Her Web: each Victim adding to the store
Of poison'd Entrail to entangle more.
And so She bloats in Glory: till one Day
The Master of the House, passing that way,
Perceives, and with one flourish of his Broom
Of Web and Fly and Spider clears the Room."

--FitzGerald's Attar

Deathstar Galactica.

"Ashes denote that Fire was -
Revere the Grayest Pile
For the Departed Creature’s sake
That hovered here awhile -

Fire exists the first in light
And then consolidates
Only the Chemist can disclose
Into what Carbonates -"

—Emily Dickinson (via @timesflow)

"Maybe inspired by these records Brain, Jon and I fantasized about making a series of recordings based on an imaginary culture. (via The Progressive, Psychedelic, Krautrock & Jazz Music Official channel on Fb)

( via via @mjohnharrison / me )

In realms of helmrat.

"A scribe's work writ awry and blurred,
Scrawled after the blind evensong--"


Mari Lwyd having a wiggle.

corrosive stillness
tireless cataloguing
of the newly dead

& where would i walk to
that the dust doesn't fall on me
from our constant jangle
under the giant's sole

to feel the tug of the tideghost
& have nothing to offer
not even in the scrambling
of my resistant wits


( via / i forget, but probably a webcam [2010] )

- Literal series -.

"Far off,
pink-colored herons
and the spent volcano."

--Garcia Lorca

"The area even has a Sizewell cafe, implying the sort of cash-in on some famous monument or attraction, only with said attraction being a dystopian-looking nuclear power plant rather than something more typically picturesque." (via @psychojography)

"When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a drawing room full of dukes." --Auden

Live footage from Dabda Asia tour in October 2023.

( via / via )

Not quite underwater chromatic pulses.

"Through the blue Sahara of Substance
journeys a gray verse, a dromedary."

--Seiferle's Black Heralds

Discalced masses just for you.

"prized asteroid canister"

discalced masses just for you
enigma in deep space

enigma & paradigm
of bright sunlight on the dead grass

There is no such thing as an accident.

( via / via )

"I used the money to run away from my husband, actually. I’m sure Somerset Maugham would have been very pleased."

“Poem Ending in a Line by Ludlum”

An acrid edge to that far-fabled smell
I bring to mind, a knell from far away.
C'est Bruges-la-Morte: city i never saw
I sing today.

Dowson & Lojban emerge then turn as one
Upon a purple plain, strange heptagon
Remembered in all the ways it brings to pass
Poems beyond my ken at the time i made them.

The indigo star is a stone i carried back,
An acrid edge to that far-fabled smell
A knell from years before. “The smoothly tarred
Surface of the road abruptly stopped.”


Bruges-la-Morte--the film.

"Some poets need to get into architecture cause US cities are all starting to look like the headquarters of a failed tech company" --@Harmony_Holiday

"The mask-making is credited–very surprisingly–to Winston Tong, an artist and musician best known for his association with Tuxedomoon."

( via / via )

Gas Station.

"Fool am I,
sad as I'm aloof."


" '[W]e live in very confused, confusing and dangerous times, and fiction, which is a kind of log of these times,' she wrote in 1982, 'changes its nature and expands and sucks in material from all manner of places and from all manner of styles and genres to be able to adequately describe ourselves to ourselves at all kinds of levels'."

"Defier of Gravity

Up is his down, · his easy path,
Down his downfall. · Death can win him
Through his own gorging, · this guest’s custom
When all unbidden · he breezes in
And loud, arrogant, · eats poor wretches
Out of house and home. · But heaped tables,
Meats in abundance, · manage no more
To ease his hunger · than empty ones,
And dinner over · he dies on the spot,
Or unappeased · prowls to the neighbors’,
Merry fellow, · for more glutting,
Then, dead or alive, · leaves his hosts
In the black, bankrupt, · brief though his stay was,
A monster, clearly, · missed by no one,
His rude arrival · rued and lamented.
How different, though, · when, duly met,
Calm and engaging, · he graces a room,
The loved center · of circled talk,
Fed, though not petted, · a peerless uniter.
At length, when left, · he lingers all night,
Dying, paling, · till people stir
And a breathed greeting · brings back his smile."

--Donald Mace Williams [fire]

The speculating rooks...

Friday, January 19, 2024

( via / via )

"The Joycean Irish linguistic pungency protrudes through Firbank’s mental Frenchness."

across icy banks
decant dint darkness

addicted · thin trickle
the bass fiddle · bad news

necropsy · line
of the fude smoothly

crosses serrated lips
of glass

glare thumbed back · glom onto
gleeful clue on cliff walk
labyrinthine robot

rearing monkey's mirror
to be wit's wick lackmeet

" ‘I think nothing,’ he wrote, ‘of filing 50 pages down to make a brief, crisp paragraph, or even a row of dots.’ "

"Somebody asked what the Old English word for a librarian was. Unfortunately no record of it survives, BUT Old English did have bōchord ‘book-hoard’ as a word for library, so can invent *bōcweard ‘book guardian’ by analogy. The same word, bókavörður, actually exists in Icelandic!" --@wylfcen

"Dreamt last night that there was a pub in Camden Town with a graveyard at the rear where all the hardened drinkers and romantic death-wish patrons could be buried."

( via / via )

Ghost Games.

"I drank the violet shadows, drank the imprint of others, the accumulation of other hours, other rooms, other odors, other caresses." --@anaisninlovebot


steering fluid flareup
afflatus · blue ruin
as we pay tart portals

pared down from a clown act
corolla-gleam rumble

Michael Jackson on Fire Diorama.

( me / via )

"I considered myself a digital Pessoa influenced by Gramsci." (via Mefi)


One solid idyll,
a totem,
its tides:
a reign.

I was I & you,
—banal plan:
a buoy & I sawing.

I erased its time totally.
Did I lose?
Not now."


Window view ❄️.

" 'And I don't get the train that goes back, made up ever before 3 a. m. ; while the pull-out on same is set for 5 ; and the porridge in the electric cooker in my bachelor shack at Slagville Heights Crossing is set for 6. Satisfied now, Lacy-Drawers?'

'Plenty, Shuttlecock,' conceded Kel. 'When the great and only choo-choo-shifter of this great transcontynental line--the Tippingdale and Slagville!--gives me the 24-carat lowdown, I am satisfied!' " --Murder in the Mills

Peeled Lemons.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

( via / via )

I had that album.

"Captured ghosts are sometimes worn as bridal veils. After the vows are spoken, the groom breaks the binding seal, and the phantom dissipates" --@ctrlcreep

"But you realize that the complexity of the local architecture, especially in the markets and casbahs – which any labyrinth aficionado would fall in love with right away (I fell in love right away) – is not only a kind of terrestrial tactic, i.e. keeping small pieces of the planet (sand) out of the inner rooms, it’s also a philosophical response to the utterly gigantic north African landscapes collapsing all over themselves, ground down to sandy fissures in the distance: you want to control space, and limit the perimeter..."

"kitchen window
the icicle's shape
exiting itself"


Part of a Steampunk parade.

( via / via )

Clown automaton.

"Effective Public Speaking (palindrome)

Dogs are drowsy.
Be more lurid, rawer,
a lion in words droll...

'At Rome, rut, pace, race.
We kill like we care.
Mortal lords drown in oil!'

A reward:
I rule Rome by sword,
era’s god."


Sympathy for the Devil.

"Some evenings, when the weather is damp--and I happen to be upstairs in my room, which looks out, as I think I told you oce, some eight feet or so above the roof of this porch--and consequently above the top of that fence yonder--I gaze over there into the mills at those three strands of wire--going out of the plant across the east fence--and all surrounded with that peculiar blue haze--and I can't help but think of them as three strands of death." --Murder in the Mills

Gigerya Remnants.

( via / via )

Favorite poems to teach new writers about line?

"If work is the Vietnam War, our homes are now Cambodia under secret bombardment." --Justin Smith-Ruiu

"You can’t spend many years intensely engaged with the Homeric poems without spending a lot of time contemplating fame or kleos, both its attractions and its terrible dangers."

"a wet road
flowing into sky at the top
of the hill
twin lights appear to descend
a friend is coming to visit"

--Jane Reichhold

"Not even death could put a stop to his photobombing of Keats’s life."

( via / via )

"At first I didn’t take the situation seriously, but it didn’t fucking go away for weeks."

"From a Full Heart

In days of peace my fellow-men
   Rightly regarded me as more like
A Bishop than a Major-Gen.,
   And nothing since has made me warlike;
But when this age-long struggle ends
   And I have seen the Allies dish up
The goose of Hindenburg—oh, friends!
   I shall out-bish the mildest Bishop.

When the War is over and the Kaiser's out of print,
I'm going to buy some tortoises and watch the beggars sprint;
When the War is over and the sword at last we sheathe,
I'm going to keep a jelly-fish and listen to it breathe

I never really longed for gore,
   And any taste for red corpuscles
That lingered with me left before
   The German troops had entered Brussels.
In early days the Colonel’s 'Shun!'
   Froze me; and, as the War grew older,
The noise of someone else's gun
   Left me considerably colder.

When the War is over and the battle has been won,
I'm going to buy a barnacle and take it for a run;
When the War is over and the German Fleet we sink,
I'm going to keep a silk-worm's egg and listen to it think

The Captains and the Kings depart—
   It may be so, but not lieutenants;
Dawn after weary dawn I start
   The never-ending round of penance;
One rock amid the welter stands
   On which my gaze is fixed intently—
An after-life in quiet hands
   Lived very lazily and gently.

When the War is over and we've done the Belgians proud,
I'm going to keep a chrysalis and read to it aloud;
When the War is over and we've finished up the show,
I'm going to plant a lemon-pip and listen to it grow

Oh, I'm tired of the noise and the turmoil of battle
And I'm even upset by the lowing of cattle,
And the clang of' the bluebells is death to my liver,
   And the roar of the dandelion gives me a shiver,
And a glacier, in movement, is much too exciting,
   And I'm nervous, when standing on one, of alighting—
Give me Peace; that is all, that is all that I seek…
   Say, starting on Saturday week."

—A.A. Milne on Behind their Lines blog (via @amjuster)

Fade Into You.

"My son asked me whether,
when we return to Gaza,
I could get him a puppy.
I said, 'I will, if we can find any.' "


A sunlit corridor inside an abandoned industrial bakery in Buffalo, New York.

( via / via )

At Al-Israa U.

“An honorable human relationship – that is, one in which two people have the right to use the word 'love' – is a process, delicate, violent, often terrifying to both persons involved, a process of refining the truths they can tell each other.

It is important to do this because it breaks down human self-delusion and isolation.

It is important to do this because in doing so we do justice to our own complexity.

It is important to do this because we can count on so few people to go that hard way with us.”

― Adrienne Rich, On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose, 1966-1978 (via @gpl_writes via @lapsuslima)


"Shine, Perishing Republic

While this America settles in the mould of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire,
And protest, only a bubble in the molten mass, pops and sighs out, and the mass hardens,

I sadly smiling remember that the flower fades to make fruit, the fruit rots to make earth.
Out of the mother; and through the spring exultances, ripeness and decadence; and home to the mother.

You making haste haste on decay: not blameworthy; life is good, be it stubbornly long or suddenly
A mortal splendor: meteors are not needed less than mountains: shine, perishing republic.

But for my children, I would have them keep their distance from the thickening center; corruption
Never has been compulsory, when the cities lie at the monster's feet there are left the mountains.

And boys, be in nothing so moderate as in love of man, a clever servant, insufferable master.
There is the trap that catches noblest spirits, that caught–they say–God, when he walked on earth."

--Robinson Jeffers

From the Window.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

( lanny quarles / via )


by a bomb blast
still alive & sending
from under the rubble the street

genocide buried in the back pages
ongoing · no new developments

America showed them how

ice left
in the shaded
places · pale cerulean
interrupted drive · i ponder

all things are signs · cluster
of mistletoe in the bare trees
bright blur stabbing

gas has gone up twenty cents
since yesterday

those others were the better gloves

"Recent experiments by the Australian linguist Felicity Meakins and her collaborators have shown that some Gurindji speakers can reliably report on shifts in ambient magnetic fields." (via ALDaily)

"Or like to Children after Bubbles run
That still elude your Fingers; or, if won,
Burst in Derision at your Touch; all thin
Glitter without, and empty Wind within."

--FitzGerald's Attar

"Since Old English had no word for an armadillo, what word should we create?"

( via / via )

"They are identifying bombing casualties even as they’re told to abandon their patients because their hospital too will be bombed."

"After the last undomesticated stretch of land is brought to heel, there will only be old records — rolls of film, computer printouts, books — of these lost immensities of nature...And the naturalist will become an orphan, a dealer in myths." ~Barry Lopez (via @EFrost_Wildwood via @ae_stallings)

Schneider Portable Television with Tulip base.

      "the flame"

   wreak the parade sickly
   rotate jobs & lobsters
   fadge solider soldier
   semi-frozen limbec
   a sphere's anxious sphinxquiz
   phosphoric tinged vortex
reports of my passing · pylon shadow
   gibberish-led leylines

Dog Days Are Over.

( via / by rob gemmer from Peeling Paint Appreciation Society on Fb ["suggested for you"] )


"It moves me to see,
Burning above the mooring poles,
For I could cry out loud
At this world of ours."

--Minamoto no Toshiyori [aka Shunrai]

The Great Hipster Mystery (a listicle).

"Based on words like tungolġimm ('star-gem': a star) and næhthelm ('night-helm': the overarching night sky), we can make a new word: ġimhelm ‘gem-helm’, meaning a helmet studded with gems or a night sky full of stars..." --@wylfcen

"...there was for a rather short time, a little hole-in-the-wall bookstore that i could sometimes find & sometimes not..."

( via / via )

"I am forced to see how my identity bars me from the Western-mediated colloquy that is contemporary writing in the world at large, which I’ve aspired to joining. It was decided long before I was born."

"To be FORFOUGHTEN is to be worn down by fatigue or constant struggle." --@HaggardHawks

"He had seen the movie once before, a long time ago; I had not, but I knew I would have to eventually, because it’s one of those movies you have to see."

"For My Daughter

Looking into my daughter’s eyes I read
Beneath the innocence of morning flesh
Concealed, hintings of death she does not heed.
Coldest of winds have blown this hair, and mesh
Of seaweed snarled these miniatures of hands;
The night’s slow poison, tolerant and bland,
Has moved her blood. Parched years that I have seen
That may be hers appear: foul, lingering
Death in certain war, the slim legs green.
Or, fed on hate, she relishes the sting
Of others’ agony; perhaps the cruel
Bride of a syphilitic or a fool.
These speculations sour in the sun.
I have no daughter. I desire none."

--Weldon Kees

From the Jack Johnson Sessions. (via Mefi)

( via / via )

Every Decision You Make Creates A New Universe.

"Your shadow
on the page
the poem."

— Cid Corman (via @Isidro_Li)

Triple stars.

"Be the elephant you wish to see in the room." --@EverySongIveEve

Rockin' Chair.

( via / via )

The rain washes the people off the streets.

"MAGA: We need to run the country based on the Bible

Leviticus 19:34: 'The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself.'

MAGA: Not that part

Deut 27:19: 'Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner.'

MAGA: Or that part"

--@QasimRashid on Mastodon

'Cthulhu' in runes.

"BOÖTES VOID (Palindrome)

Pure, vocalic nets I radar:
I fill a sure vowel, Boötes’ umlaut.

I rip, say, a radio;
taper a web;
beware paths in a void...."


Rotating sprouted muffins.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

( via / via )

Darwish translations. (book)

      "bird alights on a nodding stoplight"

   snag · an eerie snoring
   snack food a yare mood-clyte
   ragged claws a clog wears
   cloud among plain hungers
   umbrageous woe · brow-score
   abruptly worn gumption
gumshoe clueless to claim my guerdon
   drowse in the wrong drivethrough

· Electric Eye ·.

"Since ‘tide’ used to mean time, and ‘ghost’ used to mean a spirit, *tīdgāst would be an exact Old English equivalent to ‘Zeitgeist’. So it's just a historical accident that we say ‘Zeitgeist’ or ‘the spirit of the time’ instead of ‘the tide-ghost’." --@wylfcen

4000 of My Closest Friends. (via Mefi)

( via / via )

Friendly reminder that osama bin laden had this image saved on his hard drive.

"The suitcase was very much like some humans, she reflected, apparently decorous and dignified outside--yet inside--paperoid!" --@HarrySKeeler

The Beginning of the End.

   snag · geason
never random
   munch has scoot
twyborn nestling
spraint · teeming glaze
   ensue erst
terroir roster

The most unique trail #2.

( via / me )


"Here be Monsters (palindrome)

No deep siren, I ram —
Art lunar, eveless even.
I ram busy swordfish-tail ogres,
old loser Goliaths if drowsy.

Submarine vessel,
ever an ultramariner,
I speed on."



"Stretching out before me was a broken plain, fantastic and irregular a[s] the floor of a glacier; huge bluish white masses, piled and tumbled together in crazy disorder, were varied by smooth glistening spaces as flat as a table; twenty-foot mounds and hummocks stood up here and there, and long twisted furrows or cracks spread a spidery black network across the scene; while the prevailing hue, in the wintry gray light of the far, far glittering pint of a sun, was that eerie, spectral mixture of blue and white, reminding me of the cloud-filtered moonlight peeping down upon a lake of ice." --Stanton Coblentz, Into Plutonian Depths (1931)

"He is saying he does so because of his Stoic philosophy, although we may believe he is only able to take this perspective because he is emperor, rich, powerful and elevated."