Saturday, February 01, 2025

( me / via )

"A poem’s pronouncements should be taken as seriously as the pronouncements of the wren in your garden."

"character to be redeemed"

connoisseur of rare grains
   ruse in the moonlight
things build themselves boldly
   billionaire hopscotch
   antelucan quand'ry

stanza is stone unit
    stirious moments
assemble poem sprightly
   positive feedback
   antelucan quisling

& go into gaunt streets
   Galdalf unwelcome
carrying punk coral
   bleaching has spared
   antelucan contract

place with your rare grains

"Every generation faces a moment when it is called upon to redeem democracy from an existential threat."

"Bajo la luna
el tigre de oro y sombras
mira sus garras.
No sabe que en el alba
han destrozado un hombre."

~Jorge Luis Borges

Under the moon
the tiger of gold and shadows
looks at his claws.
It doesn't know that in the dawn
a man was destroyed.

trans. M. Kei via


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