Sunday, January 29, 2006


(via pala*o dot gly dot bris dot ac dot uk slash russia)

"A painter who does nothing but highly realistic depictions of horrific war injuries. And achieves great success: his pictures are hung in every major museum. Was there a point for them to miss?" --Tyl*r Soz*, Loxocosm (2004)

When the admirable Tiberius (he has had an undeserved bad press), upon becoming emperor, received a message from the Senate in which the conscript fathers assured him that whatever legislation he wanted would be automatically passed by them, he sent back word that this was outrageous. “Suppose the emperor is ill or mad or incompetent?” He returned their message. They sent it again. His response: “How eager you are to be slaves.” (via M*tafilt*r)

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