Friday, May 09, 2003

Sometimes i think i will end my days writing exclusively in Latin.

"...A flower from its cerulean wall..." --William Cullen Bryant


I met you at the parting of the ways,
And I have lingered with you certain days.

Over a little grave I had set a stone:
I had buried love, and I was all alone.

The roadway of the unforgotten past
Ended; the road in front lay vague and vast.

I met you at the parting of the ways,
And I have lingered with you certain days.

Because you took my hand in both your hands,
I think there may be help in other lands.

Because you laid your face against my face,
I wonder if hope lives in any place.

Because you laid my head upon your breast,
I know the earth holds yet a little rest."

Arthur Symons, Lesbia (1920)


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Ly fetch wonders note.
It's a gim, a de.
on the know, the on, the don't.
Back how's is backs.
To one it, it irons.
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   Trucks one."

Clark Coolidge, Space (1970)
[Tmesis is a resource seldom exploited in poetry, now or ever; Virgilius Maro
pf Toulouse called it ars scissendi, the "art of cutting".

    "Talon on Head

Beauty that tears
And guts to bucket child
On pathways without bird
Or stone-cropped hedge

This, that one that stains
For marchers in step--
Curling for madness dropping
Is quizzical and pure

But quick with movement...
The ardor of grace in doubt
Not hounded--
Simply mobile"

Ovid Neal III, The Dirge of the Thin Air Dancers (Crying Dog Books: 1992)

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