Monday, September 15, 2003

Blogger ate my thought.
It was a good one, here
Bearing significance,
From far pavilions come--
Then Blogger scarfed it up.

Something clogged the nozzle
And pop! went the dying bulb:
Blogger stole the zephyr
And left me sheer delusion;
Yes, Blogger ate that great thought.

09 14 03

'Hear me softly:
And learn from me harshly.' --"Thunder, Perfect Intellect"
in: Bently Layton's The Gnostic Scriptures (1987)

Heidegger doesn't answer his questions so much as he
squeezes them till they pop.

"What the music said was that there is a right way for things
to be ordered so that life might not always be just tangle and
drift but have a shape, an aim. It was a powerful argument
against the notion that things just happen." --Charles Frazier,
Cold Mountain (1997)

The first step to Clarity is inner silence (Clarity of Perception).
The second step to Clarity is calling things by their right names
(Clarity of Thought).
The third step is striving for reciprocity, or interpersonal
justice (Clarity of Feeling).
The fourth step is doing what must be done (Clarity of Purpose).

"The science of the music of words has fallen away since men
invoked Mithra by a sequence of pure vowel sounds." --Ezra

   "The Dangerous Gift

Were I to cut my hand
   On that sharp knife you gave me
   (That dangerous knife, your beauty),
I should know what to do:
   Bandage the wound myself
And hide the blood from you.

A murderous knife it is,
   As often you have warned me:
   For if I looked for pity
Or tried a wheedling note
   Either I must restore it
Or turn it on my throat."

--Robert Graves

Prophets. The first prequisite of a prophet is love of

"A recent U.S.Dept of Defense report estimated that most
food in the US travels 1300 miles before it is eaten." --Utne
Reader, c. 1989

Not only do i realize i'm just a minor character in a
Dostoevsky novel, i even know what sort. I'm the one who
goes mad so he can spend 2 chapters arguing theology
with the hero.

Happy days are here again. (via Wood_s Lot)

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