Friday, October 13, 2006

   "A Lay of Winning and Losing"

a floor long
moon brain glow · solid unknown
against ambush · on

moaning indigo oblong crystal Darfur

a ongoing agony · closing
pools twinkling · psalm wobbly blindfold silk
lungfish anxious skillfully · par poison own

angular sandcoil Ogpu

warp Xiombarg in us
Italbar walking
ambush abort · dusk tsunami · shards sobbing
with ambit
solid raucous ours final unknown

ignominious wisp ink
why · wink such idiot botch
pools obsidian
floor sobbing indigo agony
animals hybrid cannot · atavist rasp
slowly adapt · Darfur add · affliction full
crystal raucous polity until
again pools withal subtract

"The epic Teutonic anesthetic, Heavy Metal was brutally ham-fisted renderings of blues-based white rock--a totally moronic and downered wipe-out which complimented [sic] the Seventies teenage leisure activities of arson and alcoholism." --Juli* Burchill & Tony Parsons, Th* Boy Look*d at Johnny (1978)

Att*ntion-D*ficit D*mocracy.

"...Godzilla is inside each one of us." --Godzilla 2000

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