Sunday, January 21, 2007

(via Goblin M*rcantil* 3xchang*)

M*tacritic. (via Ozarqu*'s Journal)

"...javanais is a form of French slang which sticks "av" between a word’s consonants and vowels."

Life on Bzoa...developed from primitive forms that had tri-lateral symmetry... There are 3 sexes, any two of which can mate... Associated with these genders (though not necessarily) are the qualities of Yang, Balance, & Yin. The Balance gender, or Harmonizers, correspond somewhat to artists. All the records of the Guelphs...: 'Description-Memory-Files,' 'Interpretation-Memory-Files,' & 'Expression-Memory-Files,' which correspond to History/Science, Philosophy/Religion, & Literature. Guelphs have 3 worldviews: Bolor, mystical Gnosticism, & Geometric Rationalism, whose attitudes are to accept, transcend, or alter the way things are. Guelphs name 3 colors: Scarlet (Yang)... Chartreuse (Balance)... & Amethyst (Yin)...(They try to structure their world into threes & nines whenever possible....) DORD: the null Third of a complete twosome of anything. ...Besides Harmony, one could consider Dissonance [as] divided into Humorous & Serious...

Putting any two [things] together would not cancel them out, but seem to automatically call for the missing third, either by creating it with the juxtaposition, or making the lack obvious, or when two are complete, the creation of a Dord.

Sulphur, salt, mercury. Tamas, rajas, sattva. Waste (Shiva) = loss of meaning; saving (Vishnu) = conservation of meaning; making (Brahma) = creation of meaning.

"Progress" vs "Ancestor Worship". The Third = selective eclecticism. Triadicities (F Peirce). The Picturesque: between the Sublime & the Beautiful. Needs: fellowship, solitude, intimacy.

"Gacela of Distracted Love

You put on a crown of verbena
solely to hear
the watch-bell.

Granada was a moon
drowned among the ivy.

You stole into my garden in Cartagena
solely to hear
the watch-bell.

Grenada was a rose
among the streamers and pennants.

You silenced me passionately
without knowing who I was
solely to hear
the watch-bell

by F*d*rico Garcia Lorca
(translation by Gilb*rt W*sl*y Purdy)

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