" 'This is the fault of the world, this is the reason that it needs ordering now: it is bankrupt in the middle of its wealth, and it offers a life that is not worth living. It has stolen their old poverty from the people and given them meaner things under new names. It has brought back a slavery that is more abject than any in history, though its chains are not of iron but of peculiar compulsion. The world has befouled itself and it needs to be cleaned....' " --R A Lafferty, Fourth Mansions (1969)
"Provisional Government"
black thoughts and mad accumulation
regrets · for the long ago
virtuosity · at the end of an age
dishes left · piled up in the sink
gets some texas love
dragged behind a pickup truck
for our own good
"We became a nation of such greed-crazed clowns that we committed financial suicide in an orgy of self-deception."
"Record shops should be like museums, people's palaces where you go to luxuriate in culture."
Jesus Rode a Donkey.
They Smell Like Sheep.
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