Tuesday, November 03, 2009

"..epic is not a genre but a tradition." --Brian Wilkie

    "Hastur and the Loaned People"

today is only yesterday's tomorrow *
a ricochet of sorts within the kiln

a scrimmage in the coruscating polka
a mist that parts and closes as we wedeln

a paycheck ever late for harsh podelka
a marsh at midnight for infirm palaver

a treeless plain to thurify a druid
a plan to reassemble some cadaver

a pluviaminatory sky's strange fluid
a bloody fingerprint on the polished banister

a tinkling in the dark, once-shaken bulb
a sorrow in the heart, that useless canister

a fissure in your reason's isopleth

Codex Serafinianus news.

"...the Battle of the Alamo written in the style of 'Beowulf'."

Mondo Macabro.

Alien Life Blog.

Habitability of Planets in Binaries.


in now the time
   Cocytus night into morning
time fails to vindicate
   only Graywyvern
the coruscating polka
   greasy lungfish

in now the time
   Cocytus night
into morning

* --Lothar and the Hand People

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