Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    "A study of roadside bombs in Dallas county"

Gray phalanx
100 years of Cholera
the humane machine

the Moonstone is a harsh mistress

    "DJ Nontraditional Warfare"

tea of green and black
sea of gray and green
Elvis lives
heft the aubergine

march of folly ran
waking at the edge
Elvis lives
love is made of abs

farrago of lies
city of the dead
Elvis lives
treason of the turnstiles

    "Shoving Leopard"

Invasion Anniversary:
dirge & irksome shivaree...
Monsoon, then a sunny day
parade their insolidity.

    "Manifest Disney"

A blue bicuspid airspace
scripture code.
Go home and recollect the cries of the world.

Dirgebright at Baghdad.
A sharp edge of idealism
should we care

Within the chest-cage of Hanuman
canonical lack.

The Pig That Wants To Be Eaten.

More on Giraffes? Giraffes!.

The Family--not Manson's, but er,--worse!

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