Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Björk can do no wrong.

"Another spoke of Chahiz of Basra, who said that the Koran is a substance which may take the form of a man or an animal..." --Borges, "Averroes' Search" (tr James Irby)

Melanie told me today she heard one of her teachers call One Hundred Years of Solitude and The Name of the Rose the two greatest novels of the 20c. I liked those okay (one more than the other), but after a little thought, my vote goes to The Skin.

"in chest midst
print teeth" --Freytag-Loringhoven

Going through some 78s we just got in, i discovered one by Bill Haley and The Comets. I turned it over. It was "Rock Around the Clock"--often called the first song of Rock 'n' Roll. On the record label, however, it said something else: FOX TROT. (I found it broken, less than a month later...)

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