Tuesday, February 09, 2010

that music is not for me
that music is for
the ones who work here
and its climax
is not really a climax
but a ridge
that punctuates chores

"Even to talk about oneself in a time like this is a kind of unwholesome luxury." (via wood_s lot)

Black: boantasandu (1910)

1. Nh3 d5
2. g3 e5
3. Bg2 Nf6
4. c4 c6
5. cxd5 cxd5
6. b3 h6
7. Bb2 Bd6
8. O-O Be6
9. f3 Qd7
10. Nf2 Nc6
11. e3 Rc8
12. Nc3 O-O
13. d4 exd4
14. exd4 Ne7
15. Nd3 Nf5
16. Ne5 Qe8
17. Rf2 Nd7
18. f4 Ne3
19. Qd3 Ng4
20. Nxg4 Bxg4
21. h3 Bh5
22. g4 Bg6
23. f5 Bh7
24. Bxd5 b6
25. Ne4 Bb8
26. Ba3 Qd8
27. Bxf8 Nxf8
28. Bc4 Nd7
29. Re1 Qh4
30. Re2 Bg3
31. Nxg3 Qxh3
32. Re8 Rxe8
33. Rxe8 Nf8
34. Qf3 Qh4
35. Ne4 Qe1
36. Kg2 Qb4
37. Qf4 b5
38. Qd6 Qxd6 1-0

Hitchcock and Philosophy.

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