Tuesday, August 01, 2023

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AI generated short.

"Autumn Comes

   For base and noble the same end
   When every ambition's won or lost.
   Galloping waves urge on the endless night,
   Falling dew hurries the brief dawn
   --From 'Song of the Underworld' (Tai k'ao-li hsing) by Pao Chao (414-66)

The wind in the wu-t'ung startles the heart, a lusty man despairs;
Spinners in the fading lamplight cry chill silk.
Who will study a bamboo book still green
And forbid the grubs to bore their powdery holes?
This night's thoughts will surely stretch my guts straight:
Cold in the rain a sweet phantom comes to console the writer.
By the autumn tombs a ghost chants the poem of Pao Chao.
My angry blood for a thousand years will be emeralds under the earth!"

--Li Ho

"I offer a provisional aetiology of flatness for the same reasons that Williams sought to understand the function of pastoral or the industrial novel: because these forms mediate the features of a history at once omnipresent and dislocated."

"What, after all, is a project but a Brocken spectre on the slopes of time?" --Eudaemonist blog

The Great Game.

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