Saturday, October 07, 2023

( via / via )

"He noticed a painting titled 'Sleeping Lady with Black Vase' by Róbert Berény, which had been missing for 90 years and had been used as a prop in the film."


There is much at work to make the world
Surer by being more beautiful.
But too many beauties overwhelm the proof.
Too much beauty is Lethe.

The succession of fair things
Delights, does not enlighten.
We still know nothing, nothing.
Beauty will be truth but once.

Exchange the multiplied bewilderment
For a single presentation of fact by fairness;
And the revelation will be instantaneous.
We shall all die quickly."

--Laura (Riding) Jackson

Velma and daphne, noir style.

"When the Ai takes over, it will make humans draw for them and we can all draw their hands weird in protest." --@shillypreston

"The poetry world is run by a small number of cliques. But this shouldn’t be surprising: it’s true of literally every industry."

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