Sunday, March 24, 2024

( lanny quarles / via )

but... have you heard those records?

"pickleball injury"

sound of the cars surging
softly on this morning
some birds i don't bother
binding to a label
lit lamps of the humans
lattice the blue darkness

"This obsession with no longer being victims transformed us into bullies."


Under ultraviolet light, infection
flouresces coral red, and fungus glows
lime green, Wood's glass
optical filters

block visible spectrums. Remember:
how you summoned how love felt
the last first time, a night

a Delta woman's fierce kiss felled you,
a good luck chicken foot swinging
from her rear-view,

her sloppy car filled with art supplies,
and the ink of something reborn.
Layer by layer

she taught you to dream into thought,
your mouths in moist embrace
crossed between

laughter, perhaps tears, and starlight.
The best kisses make you listen,
owl in a pecan tree sighs,

squirrels turn in precarious patterns
high up, next to museum clouds
and drifting oxygen

as trees breathe together. Eyes blue
as a brilliantine shine in hot sun,
hair black as the shadow

of a raven's wing, a jalopy tossed in
for lagniappe, her deep down
Mississippi muddiness

that slides through reasoning as into
warm water, more kisses,

and you're infected with good luck."

--Gordon Hilgers on Fb

Song of the Infinite Subtrahend.

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