Friday, May 03, 2024

( via / me )

"...mean images are social dreams without sleep, processing society’s irrational functions to their logical conclusions. They are documentary expressions of society’s views of itself, seized through the chaotic capture and large-scale kidnapping of data."

"we talk of love many years before we know anything about it, and we think we know it because we talk of it, or because we repeat what other say, or what books tell us. so that there are ignorances of different degrees, and degrees of knowledge which are quite deceptive."

--amiel (via @infinita_fiori)

"And I understand how easily devotion can be exploited and weaponized."

"lousy with flowers"

oil slick rainbow infall
evil July diva
what falls, further seething
futhark trending ruthless

yet into form faintly
fix once if no foxhole
prayer's Bayesian priors
mangle the prinked Angstrom

Some clips from my work Mechanical Marvellous.

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