Wednesday, October 16, 2024

( via via facebook memories / via )

The Incomplete Lojban language.

"Ghost Music

Gloomy and bare the organ-loft,
Bent-backed and blind the organist.
From rafters looming shadowy,
From the pipes’ tuneful company,
Drifted together drowsily,
Innumerable, formless, dim,
The ghosts of long-dead melodies,
Of anthems, stately, thunderous,
Of Kyries shrill and tremulous:
In melancholy drowsy-sweet
They huddled there in harmony.
Like bats at noontide rafter-hung."

--Robert Graves (via @poochigian)

"I remember feeling euphoric as I walked with my family barefoot on the beach. As a Palestinian with a West Bank hawiyyeh, or ID card, there were a number of factors working against my ability to experience this simple act in my homeland." (via @aliner)

"For example, in one of Asimov’s stories, robots are made to follow the laws, but they are given a certain meaning of 'human.' Prefiguring what now goes on in real-world ethnic cleansing campaigns, the robots only recognize people of a certain group as 'human.' They follow the laws, but still carry out genocide." --Peter W Singer via


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