Saturday, April 26, 2003

The movie which was shot in part at the bookstore i work at, finally came out.

A good bunch of listings on Harold Cohen's drawing robot Aaron. I ran across the book Aaron's Code awhile back, & was deeply impressed. More than any other attempt i have seen, this produces a convincing imitation of human intelligence at work.

"According to the International Labor Organization, Americans now work 1,978 hours annually, a full 350 hours - nine weeks - more than Western Europeans. The average American actually worked 199 hours more in 2000 than he or she did in 1973, a period during which worker productivity per hour nearly doubled." --via Signal Vs Noise

If you go to my Amazon Wish List, you'll find The Codex Seraphinianus. That's a joke. But the book--surely the weirdest ever written--is not. At least, so anybody can figure. It's about an imaginary world, profusely illustrated, & written in an unknown language. Borges would be proud...

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