Monday, April 28, 2003

"Nobody Knows it but Me

There's a place that I travel
With my Humvees & Bradleys
When I want to roam
With some kick-ass firepower
And nobody knows it but me.

The roads don't go there
Like a good old Interstate
And the signs stay home
In some alphabet I can't read
And nobody knows it but me.

It's far far away
From the nearest Starbucks
And way way afar
From the last ATM for sure
It's over the moon and the sea

And wherever you're going
To kill a bunch of strangers
That's wherever you are
With the blood on your hands & your feet
And nobody knows it but me

And six billion other humans."

--Victor Vermis

Saw a nice Modigliani show in Ft Worth. Unfortunately, they didn't have my favorite picture of his... "Here," i said a bit grandiosely, "are two of the three good Nudes painted in the Twentieth Century." (The third is also by Modigliani.) But seriously, once art-ideology had taken over Painting, & photography captured the erotica market, the field was left to illustrators like Vargas & Vallejo, kitsch masters like Leeteg, & amateurs. Much as i want to recommend the nudes in the paintings of Giger & Fuchs, i'm afraid only a space alien would find them...erotic. --And, perhaps, this is not unrelated to the fact that most of the good love poetry written in the 20c, was in the form of song lyrics.

Some people just read H P Lovecraft like any other author they like, & some are fans. Then there are those who take it a little more seriously.

Useful Arabic terms. safqua ('secret deal'). al-ithara wa al-faza: "shock and awe" (via Salam Pax). taqiyya 'concealment of faith' --a term which may enter the American lexicon with a slightly different meaning, should the Thought Police come to brass tacks.

While waiting for Salam Pax to reappear, i ran across another blogger in Iraq: Lt Smash. He's not as funny as Salam but then, he's an American soldier. And straight.

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