Tuesday, June 24, 2003

"As darkness is mined and transported from place to place
like marble, so the light bulb is the chisel that delivers it
from its inertia..." --Gravity's Rainbow

I can still shock people by telling what i really believe,
that our Utopia isn't 50 years off, but more like 500 or
5000 (or 50,000)--is it not peculiar, how our daily conduct
hinges on eschatology?

   "DO. BUT DO."

Gray of mock
is dirt shoved over
the still active coals
and i walk without thinking
of where
i find myself ever
returning to fire and desire
key's in the lock.
Lemmings are running
and i have some duty
that drags me along
In spite of my knowledge
i can't quite resign
from this place and my race
for leaving
is also

11 10 84

I learn more about America from a long bus trip than from
years of living in one place.

Our image of violence is that it escapes causality whereas
it actually relinquishes our only freedom from causality--detachment.

"Khaki Hamlets don't hesitate to shoot." --Ulysses

'The real vertigo is the absence of madness.' --Cioran, The Fall into
(1960, tr R Howard)

'After a long intimacy with doubt, you come to a particular form of pride:
you do not believe that you are more gifted than others, you merely
believe you are less naïve.' --ibid

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