Saturday, June 14, 2003



Suppose you screeve? or go cheap-jack?
Of fake the broads? or fig a nag?
Or thimble-rig? or knap a yack?
Or pitch a snide? or smash a rag?
Suppose you duff? or nose and lag?
Or get the straight and land your pot?
How do you melt the multy swag?
Boose and the blowens cop the lot.

Fiddle, or fence, or mace, or crack,
Or moskeneer, or flash the drag;
Dead-lurk a crib, or do a crack,
Pad with a slang, or chuck a fag;
Bonnet, or tout, or mump and gag,
Rattle the tats, or mark the spot.
You cannot break a single stag:
Boose and the blowens cop the lot.

Suppose you try a different tack,
And on the square you flash your flag?
At penny-a-lining make your whack?
Or with the mummers mug and drag?
For nix, for nix the dibs you bag,
At any graft, no matter what!
Your merry goblins soon stravag.
Boose and the blowens cop the lot.

It's up the spout and Charlie Wag
With wipes and tickers and whatnot.
Until the squeezer nips your scrag,
Boose and the blowens cop the lot."
[These are all real words.]

I sent this to the New Yorker (I think it's supposed to be
some sort of protest):


Preying urge infinitely realizes, to retrospective
Gloating transformation unbrokenly hesitates influx,
Floating mystic desolately copulates, of definitive
Praying rage amusedly ruminates box.
A white-breasted nuthatch nests in my
Urethra, and begins to sing.

"I understand what the politician meant who said of the Texas House
of Representatives, "If you think these guys are bad, you should see
their constituents." --Bill Moyers

"I swear, the blogo isn't a sphere. It's a fucking Moebius cube." --Doc Searls

Can be worn ironically or nonironically. (via Prentiss)

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