Monday, August 25, 2003

"Eliot, writing as a critic, easily
demonstrates the impossibility of Eliot's
writing The Waste Land." --Stephen
Spender, The Struggle of the Modern

"A terrible thought, that after God's
withdrawal into silence the ancient mechanisms
which made prophets should continue working,
like machines left on in an abandoned factory:
so that bearded wild men strode forth as before,
howling, to any who would hear, their
inarticulate warning." --John Gardner, The
Sunlight Dialogues

Falling ones admire jugglers most. It makes
them feel like they're going somewhere.

Perhaps the hardest thing to recognize is the
process by which a truth becomes a lie. If you
believed it, you can't alter it without attacking
some part of yourself. And if you never did
believe it, then it seems to have been untrue all

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