Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Line endings: you go to the store at regular intervals,
Sense endings: but you run out of this that, continually.

We cannot admit that the power of magic has no force,
for that would imply that the arena of its actions--the ego
--is not a real thing. Therefore magicians have always
resorted to force & trickery to keep from themselves this
damning knowledge.

Eye vs. Hand. Voice is Eye + Hand. Eye-poems, Hand-poems.
But no Voice-poems anymore. The poets are mute, why?
("dissociation of sensibility") --silent reading, television &
movies, decayed speech: broken paradigms only...

"The author of the Journal of a Pupil describes a meeting
between Gurdjieff and Crowley, but it is clear that they had
nothing to say to one another. He says, 'Crowley had magne-
tism, and the kind of charm that many charlatans have; he
also had a dead weight that was somehow impressive'-- that
is, Crowley was a 'man of power'. 'His attitude was fatherly
and benign, and a few years earlier I might have fallen for it.
Now I saw and sensed that I could have nothing to do with
him.' He does not describe the tea, except to say that Gurdjieff
kept a sharp watch on Crowley, and says, 'I got a strong impression
of two magicians, the white and the black--the one strong,
powerful, full of light; the other also powerful, but heavy, dull,
ignorant.'" --Colin Wilson, The Occult (1971)

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