Saturday, September 27, 2003

'And not even the blasphemers of the demiurge
have dared to deny that the universe is most
beautiful, but rather, they maintain that
because of this beauty, souls are harmed.'

   "The Dark Side of Blogging"

edge. Burning leaves good squirm, harl
In the stable of Receive.
Harmony the swarms build slag
Doughnut sprockets, evil swarf
Exultant pain froglegs pain
Chrome kissing daylight gazelle
Can't tenuous praetor blood flag calx
Crystal sequoias. Qibla
Where, dilithium rhost can't gecko

Wheedle prismatic edge verse;
Fractal nozzle crystal ghost.

09 27 03

"The source of all disorder was the
loneliness of the jackal, God's first-
born." --Marcel Griaule, Conversations
with OgotemmĂȘli

Geomantic Poles (centripetal & centri-
fugal spaces): the Cave & the Savannah.
A house is a pseudo-cave. A yard is a
pseudo-savannah. Perhaps this is the deep
origin of esoteric/exoteric, sacred &
secular; even, private & public... Dance
on a savannah makes Waves, whilst a dancer
in a cavelike area is a Particle.

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