Saturday, September 20, 2003

Sign #2 of the Apocalypse: a Porsche SUV.

"Like scraps of memory, sheets of newsprint
used to bowl through the magicians' colony
in the silent midnight wind." --Salman Rushdie,
Midnight's Children

"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother
took me to see him in a department store and he
asked me for my autograph." --Shirley Temple

"...the divine mystery is the only arch-principle..."
--The Sworn Book of Honourius (ca. 14c), ed.
Daniel Driscoll, 1977

I keep struggling against the false belief that to be
something not yet defined is to be useless.

Modern poets are in love with intellectualized
sensuality because it seems to give them a method
that cannot err...

"If there is veneration, even a dog's tooth emits
light." --Tibetan saying, quoted in A. David-Neel's
Magic and Mystery in Tibet (1929)

The great romance of my life has been with the
idea of freedom.

"All men desire the good"--is a statement about
the structure of belief, not about desire.

Statement to read at the next Discussion Group
meeting: "The way to get the most out of discourse
is not to challenge each other's assertions
reflexively & indiscriminately, but to take time
to imagine what the world would be like if they
were true."

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