Wednesday, October 22, 2003

New Byrd. It just gives me a kick that stuff
like this is going down on the Congressional
; it's not like it makes me feel any
less guilty for using 500 gallons of gas a

The Guardian has started a US Elections weblog.

More on Enoch Soames.

"Because you are human beings you are going to meet failure. You are going to meet disappointment, injustice, betrayal, and irreparable loss. You will find you're weak where you thought yourself strong. You'll work for possessions and then find they possess you. You will find yourself - as I know you already have - in dark places, alone, and afraid.

What I hope for you, for all my sisters and daughters, brothers and sons, is that you will be able to live there, in the dark place. To live in the place that our rationalizing culture of success denies, calling it a place of exile, uninhabitable, foreign." --Ursula LeGuin (via
Wood_s Lot)

Submit to Sleeping Fish. (via Craig Hill)

In the future, we will fight wars over water.

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