Wednesday, March 10, 2004

An elderly customer at our Mesquite store surprised me by asking if the music i was playing was Chopin's "Polonaise". It was (the 'Military' one). A few days later we were requested to send a copy of Knut Hamsun's Pan to that store. That'll teach me to say they don't read anything but romances & mysteries there...

The Anti-Rush is a key concept in understanding America in the Eighties; it is what you feel when you have to start driving 20 or 30 after having sped along at 40 to 60 for some time. It is the basic unit of opprobrium. Mondale got branded an Anti-Rush, while Reagan was Foot-to-the-Floor. We no longer have religion or aesthetics or psychology or politics: there is only Rush and Anti-Rush. ADRENALINE RULES. (1986)

   interviewer on KNON:
"Do you think there's going to be a nuclear war in your lifetime?"
"Is there anything you can do to prevent it?"
"Doesn't sound very hopeful."

Intellectual Beauty. The rarest sensation. Kind of like an orgasm of Just-Rightness. Different from the Sublime. Sometimes i want only to share my appreciation of intellectual beauty, though anything else would be easier. I don't feel moved to evangelize about my tastes in food, or art much either. And also: geometricality in life lacks it. (Intellectual Beauty comes closest to being the subjective equivalent of an extraordinary bit of luck. The kind that makes you begin to believe in fairy godmothers.
   --Perhaps the belief in an orderly universe was simply a mistaken extrapolation from moments such as this.)
   Question: is it what people miss in my work if they don't connect with the piece despite having sensitivity and taste?--that no one expects to find art that has intellectual content at all, much less elegance? (Of course not everything i make is intended so, either!)

"si nostri palare senes adiguntur et ipsi
  ut ferale suos onus exportare libellos?"
--pseudo-Ausonius ('...Since our old men are forced to wander and themselves, as a deadly burden, to carry their own books...')

Surely Dallas must be one of the Great Cities,
  if only that so many live on its streets.

02 26 86

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