Thursday, April 08, 2004

"Perhaps the worldwide public appearance of UFOs and the appearance of LSD, both of which events took place shortly after the first atomic bombs devastated entire cities, are not isolated separate events but, on the contrary, closely linked." --George C Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us (1986)

'And I entered into that house, and it was hot as fire and cold as ice...' --The Book of Enoch (1) tr R H Charles (cited in the book above)


And nothing has disturbed the stern portico
of the Voynich House... pale cerulean
batrachian sunrise raised from Mexico
with carven hieroglyphs in an alien
space pidgen, eyes scouring the sidewalk
on the way back from food stamps. Azure zero cypher
fingertips on fire, cumulus bulwark
gray (lutefisk) gray or animal sapphire
the thirty-second Perfect Number--found.
  And nothing has disturbed the stern portico
of the Anglisc lingvo...: seasons underground
our glimmer train instilleth vertigo.
The troll of the Aurora Bridge beckons.

04 10 92

"With Stupidity and sound Digestion a man may front much." --Carlyle

"Aelian writes of Trizus, the tyrant, that he commanded his subjects not to speak together, and when they used signs, instead of words, he also forbade those; whereupon the afflicted people met in the market-place to at least weep for their misfortunes, but neither was that permitted..." --Jeremy Taylor

"...even in the doctrines heretical there will be superheresies..." --Religio Medici

The difference between alchemy & chemistry is that of a eucharist ritual without & with a psychoactive drug. The drug in scientific ritualism is guessing & confirmation. The ritual came first.

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