Saturday, April 24, 2004

"Poetry which relates to the beings of another world ought to be at once mysterious and picturesque."
--Macaulay, Essay on Milton

"Salve salvage in the spin.
Endorse the splendor splashes;
Stylize the flawed utility;
prop a malign or failing light--
but know the whirlwind is our commonwealth."

--Gwendolyn Brooks, from "The Second Sermon on the Warpland", op cit


If an eagle be imprisoned
on the back of a coin,
and the coin be tossed
into the sky,
the coin will spin,
the coin will flutter,
but the eagle will never fly."

--Henry Dumas, ibid

A palindromic tanka cited in Alpha to Omega, Humez & Humez:

"na ka ki yo no
to o no ne bu ri no
mi na me za me
na mi no ri bu ne no
o to no yo ki ka na." ('The sleeping figure's eyes open in the middle of a winter's night--can it be in anticipation of the sound of the wave-borne boat?')

" was once proposed that Groucho play the role of Dr O'Connor in a filmed Nightwood..." --Anthony Burgess

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