Monday, October 25, 2004

Marla Olmstead. Her website.

"Thief of Baghdad"

gne clo iss uds
fr pir ee acy dom
twi st li ar ght
ho pur gl ple ow pe

10 23/25 04

"A Defense of Beauty, Who Needs None"

Brogham om bro smitten
leum lino spec (ne shi)
kle ham bur broug glar

10 25 04

"The Left Hand of Blog"

Thunar, narc, hunt carnivore
Or para tho dox dachs dox
hund: five hund thou red rum sand
ba deb Ka acle.

10 25

Ars scissendi. BIrusaqh. IrCheaqney. Bwuarsh. Chweaneyr. Psy con cho cret tic ism.

"Ante la puerta

Gentes, palabras, gentes.
Dude' un instante:
la luna arriba, sola."

--Octavio Paz ('"Before the Door": People, words, people./ I hesitated a moment:/ The moon above, alone.') in: Wm J Higginson, The Haiku Handbook (190\85)

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