Saturday, November 27, 2004

“The tide of darkness now is at its height.
Yon lily-woven cradle of the hours
Hath floated half her shining voyage, nor yet
Is by the current of the morn opposed.”

--Thomas Lov*ll Beddo*s, fragm*nt from “Th* Last Man”

“When William Butler Yeats and his wife visited California, his wife, a medium, had a series of occult experiences in Los Angeles...from which his extraordinary volume, A Vision (1925), was woven.” --C McWilliams, Southern California: An Island on the Land (1946)

“Win Cash!”

Our Swan King, off duty at his ranch, vacuum
Awash in poppy, finds dust sinful.

Prying at a florid scab
Without irony.

Toot addict of Big Christ grout.

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