Sunday, March 06, 2005

Thoughts on chaos. Am i afraid of dying, or of my kind and kind's ways vanishing? Am i afraid, not of losing, but of turning into what i abhor? For this war consists in knowing or willing not to know. What follows from this is not within our control; a shadowy polyp lifts its wings.

"...a civilization which glorifies the mind at the expense of the heart is in constant danger of slipping into limitless violence; while a civilisation which glorifies the heart at the expense of the mind would be in danger of sporadic brutalities without rhyme or reason." --* F Schumach*r, This I B*li*v*


It is the remembering of the future.
To do that.
It is very difficult.
I remembered the future and
Broke myself.

Now the assembling is the Arrival.
Nothing must deter it
But eternity should defer it.
It must be very clear
That arrival is non-arrival.

Yet the future
Must be circumferenced and
The mind balance it!
Thus the great remembrance is gripped.
In this way the poet is broken
In this way the future is saved."

--Jos* Garcia Villa, S*l*ct*d Po*ms and N*w (1958)

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