Wednesday, March 02, 2005


the cliff notes said so

for I do not come after you

I just came and now must wait a while

thus Paris Hilton gets to be in the poem

& livejournal teaches us about the kitty

a vague memory of getting wet

history books ain't written by the conquered
& you only get to name your kids or pets
objects succumb, at peace with being pushed out
so when the poet said pubic hair

I imagined her pubic hair

which only her husband gets to see

a list of things to say to the steady cam

the uneven distribution of particles

upon your face / some damage

falling in sunbeam at departure
because they used every beautiful thing up

the Jem'Hadar surrender also the dirty ocean birds

despite our manifestos teach us to humor
the elders we must bear

black flag, please twist above the mall"

--Th* Jim Sid*

Daught*rs of Ummo.

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