Wednesday, June 29, 2005

(from z*frank dot com)


horizontal monarchist · tricky I Ozanam follow
snowman strung nap sly among · foxtrot uniform mayfly frop
acrostic shorn litmus us stubs · stash or viral sculsh

"Frop" is a Subg*nius word. "Sculsh" is in*dible food.

" 'But...why don't your poets and storytellers write your literature? How can you just machine-generate it?'
    Tz'iquin seemed faintly amused. 'Both of you come from a culture that favors the writer, the 'maker', the poet, whatever you wish to call the one who creates new work, and so you think that every literary culture must be dominated by them. We Maya don't much make new works, but we develop an ever-better understanding of our old works. In that regard, at least, we are not unlike you, with your endless expositions of Kural, Ettutokai, and Pattuppattu. The difference is that we don't write about the same old work over and over; we discipline ourselves to the adventure of endless reading, seeing how many more things a thing can mean rather than trying to find the one right meaning for it. And to us, it does not really matter where those old works came from, or whether they are perfect or models for anything else, so long as they are truly Maya. A carefully done transform of a Maya myth is as Maya as the original, is it not?' "

--op cit

"...hey, things really do speed up in the future! It's already late '69, early '70! Now it's time to play your historical role, okay?"

Ross 780. (I call world D "Mulligatawny">)

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