Friday, July 08, 2005

(via Plan*tary dot org)

An Ilocano T*rzan*ll*. (Its script.)

"in my blacks

my black coat flaunts its stains
as variations on a dark motif. I
am clad in shifting shadow;
skyclad of black,
I match clouds of waiting rain -

my coat of many inks, no unity
in its thick wool folds,
within I am dirty -no downfall
will banish my guilt, or filth -
my mask is tight black, criminal;

but, at black's most distant rim,
( colour hums a null and void)
I find my mark, with mid-air wings;
I will not join its frail flight
though; rapt, I am, in my blacks,
of coat, mask, soul, air"


Crafting Manif*sto.

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