Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Christians through groan I aspic
· struggling with cardboard insight is
strong Shaggai growl worm rubric
· agitation pharming against fragrant
book casualty angrily nights · walking island sprawling

"Pharming" is aroma of a just built apparatus of wood. As i was writing this a giant building was collapsing.


trail ordalic paranormal · I Clancy forlorn Arapaho
adamant labyrinth · florid billow accruals
spoon car crash bald snap folding frag small half blood ditch scrap

As i was writing this i thought about vacuums at midnight, hardships during war.


calico gallop blindfold
· I scolds cobalt Ogygian
campaign fluids
glandular · coign sparkling abusion slipknot
pillbug infinity oddly · affirms forlorn glyph

Buffalo Daught*r. Pallid cha. Skari s* cinmo; cins* milx*. Cismli.


giri pinball traffic I · appropos misty indigo
Abracadabra hallow · flowing glamour styptic bringing
of oft gigantic · accordingly filth

L*s Corps Glori*ux of M*ssia*n. Music for a horror film in which Cthulhu is not coming.

    "Cicada Days"

soda of tamarind
brush trail of labyrinth wodwo

dull rust color cloud
autopsy trap

rural Fomalhaut
wigwam soul sulfur

"It's nice to finally be able to put a face to the humiliating nickname."

Lyn*tt* Cook has a book!

Blu*glass AC/DC glimflash band.

Asymm*trical multiculturalism.

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