Monday, August 29, 2005

(via doyl*n*wyork dot com)

"Face it," said Aaker, "the United States is the Texas of the advanced countries."

' Hyrcania the populace support dogs for the benefit of the community, while the nobles keep them for family use; it is as we know a famous breed of dogs, but in spite of the cost, each householder procures animals in proportion to his means, to mangle him, and that they consider the best mode of burial.'

--Cic*ro, Tusculan Disputations I. xlv.

"According to the Miami Herald, when asked whether his proposed FEMA budget cuts were a problem, "the president walked away from reporters." "

"...a growing number of [National] Guard units are being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan..."

Global Warming Mak*s Strong*r Hurrican*s.

Top Chimp says it ain't so.

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