Thursday, March 09, 2006

"One girl I tutored had the lugubrious task of responding to an essay called "Bring Flogging Back" which, when I googled it later, turned out (as I'd suspected) to be a satire, and a rather notorious one. The girl, however, chose to write in support of the reintroduction of this bygone means of punishment. And to clinch her case, she had baldly declared that, at an earlier age (and presumably in another country) she had experienced flogging for her political activities; and she knew it worked. For she had never done ever that again." --Ostrogoth d* Pulfass*, M*ditations on Oxyg*n

   "Food Cravings"

torn continuum
grisly anguish according to inch

stopping dig until futility outpours

against truth victorious
tsunami glottal

dying rain
indigo ogham putsch silt

Post Oscar Vidal.

"The United States is the first country in history to destroy the prospects and living standards of its labor force."

Scoping out: Colors Insulting to Natur*

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