Sunday, June 25, 2006

"When the heart weeps because it has lost, the spirit laughs because it has found." (via Pl*p)

Two for Bob.

"There exists a three-volume history of the coffeehouses of Pest and Buda, covering four centuries, full of the oddest details." --John Lukacs, Budap*st 1900 (1988)

Our civilization...

from Cibola · cicala wind
flows to Ubar · cicala wind

dimming sun · thick liquid mirror
must drown this lamp · cicala wind

an old building burns · from my past
that lavish war · cicala wind

kudzu shorn now · a hilltop inn
t'ward downtown aims · cicala wind

"An Ottoman dictionary of 1905 defined the word 'tyrant' as an American bird." --Lords of th* Horizons

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