Friday, July 28, 2006

(via andr*w dot cmu dot 3du slash us*r slash yangwang)


Strum along, sweet hope, you clear up
how we stay here from staying here so much.

Today you come when I'm barely awake.
The stable's divinely pissed
and excremented by the innocent cow
and the innocent ass and the innocent rooster.

Penetrate the ecumenical maria.
Oh saintgabriel, make the soul conceive,
the lightless love, the skyless,
the most stone, most nothing,
even the monarch illusion.

We'll burn all our bridges!
We'll burn the ultimate essence!

But if you have to suffer from myth to myth,
and if you chew on ice to talk to me,
let's chew on hot coals,
now there's nowhere to come down,
now there's nowhere to rise.

The rooster's having his doubts, man.'

--Trilc* (tr David Smith, 1973)

Passion for Islam.

"The terrible rat-courage of the enemy. The stout clergyman at our hotel estimating on the back of an envelope the height of the waterfall for the hydraulic engineer." --Th* Orators

A Lost Painting.

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