Saturday, August 12, 2006

Giant Pacific trashb*rg (pdf). (via H*ath*ns in H*at)

(via cylon dot org)

"Better King Lear in woad, even, than King Lear in a lounge suit." --Lucas

what grows from invoking swift laws of · chaos it is shown
what flows from following iron laws of · logic it is shown

how far from that town in which i first · took a count of stars
did i go on foot picking up rocks · for cairn it is shown

how much can grasping hands rip away · from a lavish land
and its birdtalk folk in this burning · rank gulf it is shown

what can a bard who is haggardly · tacking among storms
of clockwork say that's so in lacy · hazaj it is shown

Holocaust dwarf story.

"One friend, who lauds his Pakistani identity and credentials, was unable even to name a single poem written by Iqbal!"

On my victrola- I, Assassin

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