Thursday, August 24, 2006

(via hq dot usac* dot army dot mil)


A viral shadow
in lily scarab city.

Troops march swiftly through luminous grass
with tongs clutching polyps of viridian.

Lungfish rock
madrigal and glad woman.

Slow walking woman,
magic slag blood spiralling shadow.

Slag blood spiralling spycam wary of rock
scar city.

Sloppy off viridian
crimson grass.

Crystal cast into agony grass,
your spiralling cicala cry a woman.

Droll viridian
madrigal against shadow.

Brick city
radint stomp of cold twinkling glitch rock.

Troops antacid flashback mutiny soft rock
cotton scissors grass.

Viral tong city
blowing dust across crystal woman.

Laugh shadow
following viridian.

Troops build mutiny droog crag viridian
flying ink want rock.

Flying acid bloom troops magnify shadow
on thin grass.

Viral a pallid woman
knows if it's calling in this city.

No city
of viridian.

Lily scarab worn woman
madrigal sings across living rock.

Lungfish crawling across this curious grass
nary a shadow.

"He has said in interviews, only half-jokingly, that he dresses in black because if he shaved his head and wore white robes, it would be too close to what he sings about."

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