Friday, August 25, 2006

Ghost Rid*rs on th* Storm.

An inch horizon churns its shadow land this morning,
and i find but a chary vim to hand this morning.

Car bombs downtown paralyzing root and branch
among impostors God's a burning brand this morning.

Your lilt in troublous days aligns my vagrant yaw;
i finish nomad tracks in Maui sand this morning.

Nidor at a standstill, car still wanting aid,
i hum an impish ditty you command this morning.

For Grinchus found upon alarm invasion jangling
his mind was dight with Kali's hall so grand this morning.

"woke up this morning ·: and I got myself a beer
I woke up this morning ·: and I got myself a beer
the future's uncertain and the ·: is always near"

--Jim Morrison

Skinny Dipping.

"Like grey clouds one by one my songs upsoar
Over my soul's cold peaks; and one by one
They loose their little rain, and are no more;
And whether well or ill, to tell me there is none."

--Francis Thompson

1 Nh3 Na6.

"There is no confusion but true.
Get through."


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