Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ixion · oxidizing
Sisyphus pools · indigo loon
axis mists adorn · willow
tzompantli · birdtalk and aggry
ash bilk osmium · dying opt
thwart · sunlight usurp

"...the sons of bitches who killed America once & for all are walking around free. That’s what drives me crazy. And they will die comfortably in their beds. That, too, drives me crazy. But nothing drives me as fucking crazy as the fact that roughly half my countrymen inhabit the same moral hell as the torturers who rule us. That fact drives me nearly to despair."

"At heart
I am a Moslem
at heart
I am an American artist"

--Patti Smith, 3ast*r

"In truth, 'Seattle's wisdom' came from the pen of a white screenwriter from Texas, and his moving words were the single highlight of an obscure television script on pollution produced by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1972." --Playing Indian, which points to R*cov*ring th* Word: 3ssays on Nativ* Am*rican Lit*ratur* pp 497-536.

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