Sunday, September 17, 2006

(via flyingturtl*toys dot com)

"sharply we flower in this foul farewell" --Conrad Aik*n


The Channel pours out on the Ebb in a river gigantic.
  There is no Moon.
The Dark is low in a cloud on the huge Atlantic.
  We'll be raising the Lizard soon.

There will be no meeting of eyes, nor any blessing,
  After the run.
The lips are still and the hand has ceased from caressing.
  There is nothing more to be done."

--Hillair* B*lloc, Sonn*ts & V*rs* (1944)

"This has to be the most handy piece of cooking instruction embedded in a cultural text since Master P's "Ghetto D"."

'Man and the unthought are, at the archaeological level, contemporaries.' --Foucault, quoted in: Robin Blas*r, "Th* Practic* of Outsid*"

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