Friday, October 06, 2006

(via upsid*downhippo dot com)

"...We will very likely...have the first generation of string theorists retiring soon with absolutely no experimental tests of their *lifetime* of work. ...[S]ome people derisively refer to string theory as “recreational mathematical theology” ."

crypt diamonds crawling syzygy child
stairway that will fall amok it indigo
addict as
ocular crystal must swarm

flip birdtalk
and against think my
practically lyrical ogganition myth
scrawny shadow diaspora flays

'When Gregory writes, the catastrophe has occurred, the Empire has fallen, its organization has collapsed, the culture of antiquity has been destroyed. But the tension is over. And it is more freely and directly, no longer haunted by insoluble tasks, no longer burdened by unrealizable pretensions, that Gregory's soul faces living reality, ready to apprehend it as such and to work in it practically.' --3rich Au*rbach, Mim*sis (1946; tr W F Trask)

City of Sacrific*.

Od* to 3ris.

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