Thursday, January 18, 2007

(via //for*stpirat* dot n*t slash pictur*s)

'This year has raised a fine crop of poets; there was scarcely a day throughout the month of April when someone was not giving a public reading.' --Pliny, quoted in Th* Mammoth Book of 3y*witn*ss*s: Anci*nt Rom*

All that we think, dream, or perceive, passes either through the horn gate of As-If, or the ivory gate of Not-As If.

Truth Tables. Not to be construed as adding ~T ∩ ~F and ~T ∪ ~F (redundantly), but rather a profound recognition of the metaphorical nature of language, involving as it does a devalorization ofthe pole "Truth", which is either tautology or insight... [picture of a tetrahedron with vertices T, F, Q', and G'.]

if i among shards of shadows crawl
shall thoughts act Canopus krill

military wisp
coils out of shoggoth and talisman coral

as Grinchus
drifts past a Zaqaziq kraal

Th* N*w Adv*ntur*s of Hitl*r.

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