Thursday, February 01, 2007

(via comput*rclubhous* dot org slash flagship)


hooks solid
pools skid ash ask rook
claypit night adorn child road

wobbly blindfold psalm is skim with odd taiga
ostrich thrifty walking as rich grout
solid pools skin sculpt or vacuum

typical spool poor
stir in again what storp forward addict hogans

Without as-if, language dances in leg irons.

"To Americans raised on the persistent myth of the trackless wilderness and the dusky savage, this idea that the first European [Ponce de León] to officially set foot in what became the continental United States was greeted by a Spanish-speaking Indian is astonishing. (It was bad enough that the first Indian met by the Pilgrims in Massachusetts a century later spoke English.)" --Schn*id*r

On my victrola- Th* V*ry B*st of P*ggy L** (thanx M*lani*!)

Strang* Pi*c* of Paradis*.

Adios Molly.

Russian birch bark books. (via dbqp)

"The writer is not totally untalented, but it looks as if he is putting on paper miserable adventure stories with a sneer." "Say the name "Fu Manchu" and most people immediately conjure up an image of the bewhiskered villain. The evil, drooping mustache served Joe Namath well, and it inspired names for everything from orchids to tropical fish to Tiki mugs. ...Unfortunately, Fu Manchu had no mustache. The mustache was added in the movies..."

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