Thursday, October 08, 2009

(by John Whatmough)

"Architecture and rhetoric are one and the same."
--Omar Amorc

"Not My Favorite Section of the Bookstore"

I gaze at all the rightwing tomes
in Politics; all the pundits wrong,
who wrote to blast a foe's repute
or justify a rotten claim.

How pitiful the waste of trees!
And did they really understand?
This goes beyond the mere reward
of prostituted intellect...

Blank Eichmanns sans their Nuremberg
accounting, nor seems likely now
the bulk of those forgotten lies
to ever reel their spinners in.

What hatred must have driven them,
i realize at last: not silver,
they betrayed their fellows for.
Which i must too be wary of.

Gabcast! etheric notes #8

   "Melungeon Sky"

the breaking up of a collection

O Antoinette
your eye is steely
your jaw is set

having to entertain the thought
an injury may or may not be permanent

your fate is walking
your face is wet

lost for a moment
in the cries of the birds

"What does it say about the Franks, that the language for every important event in life has to be invented anew each time?" --Jenny White, The Sultan's Seal (2006)

"In December 2003, he went home, to Manassas Park, Virginia, where his parents, Joseph Sr. and Eva, quit their jobs to care for him."

The "Witchetty Grob": 1 h3 & 2 g4.

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