Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Droning Carom"

crocs frop · folk scarf as
if Grimalkin dollops spill

offal bodkin · clicks akin a scry
fallout · crypt

of fask par rills · uffish agony crystal
din with balloon clap

ski marry into · idolatry hollow
klakydirgo clasp · a spoor

thousand assail · spiralling lip
clip · slalom

mox officious · if
fault of abomasum · its

The Blue Mosque.

Analyze poetry. Analyze ice cream.
Career in making poetry. Career in making ice cream.
Schools of kinds of poetry. Schools of kinds of ice cream making.
Come up with a new form of poetry. Come up with a new flavor of ice cream.
Only one kind of poetry is right. Only one flavor of ice cream is good.

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